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Greening Regional Airports: A Vision for Carbon Neutral Infrastructure | Chapter 12 | Contemporary Perspective on Science, Technology and Research Vol. 3

 This study provides an overview of the energy demand of a regional airport, divided into individual time horizons. The electrification of aircraft systems raises the question of whether airports will be among the largest electricity consumers in our infrastructure in the future. Sustainability and especially emission reductions are significant challenges for airports that are currently being addressed. The Clean Sky 2 project GENESIS addresses the environmental sustainability of hybrid-electric 50-passenger aircraft systems in a life cycle perspective to support the development of a technology roadmap for the transition to sustainable and competitive electric aircraft systems. This article originates from the GENESIS research and describes various options for ground power supply at a regional airport. Potential solutions for airport infrastructure with a short (2030), medium (2040), and long (2050) time horizon are proposed. In addition to the environmental and conservation benefi...
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Occipital Dermal Sinus Tract Causing Craniospinal Infection: A Review | Chapter 13 | New Visions in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 4

  Dermal sinus is a rare congenital condition characterized by a pathological tract connecting the skin to deeper tissues of the central nervous system, potentially leading to severe infectious complications. It arises from a failure in the separation of ectodermal layers during early gestation. Diagnosing dermal sinus tract in newborns requires a careful physical examination, focusing on midline dimples in the occipital region associated with cutaneous abnormalities like hairy nevus or hyperpigmentation. The presence of drainage, abnormal hair distribution, or localized swelling may indicate a sinus tract. Regular examination for dimples or sinuses is recommended for infants and children with recurrent meningitis or infections. Early detection is crucial to prevent severe complications like meningitis, with Staphylococcus aureus being a common causative organism. Neuroradiological studies, including computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with histopath...

Alkali Element Modification of Glucose Molecules as a Method to Dissolve Cancer Cells | Chapter 12 | New Visions in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 4

  The present study highlights about alkali element modification of glucose molecules as a method to dissolve cancer cells. The central regulation of the mechanisms governing cell proliferation has little effect on cancer cells. Cancer cells are entirely independent of the central command and divide and proliferate on their own, making it challenging to activate their response mechanism. Precisely, this is the reason why they are at risk to the health of humans and/or any biological entities. Instead of trying to reconnect the central command of the growth control mechanism to cancer cells that are already out of the range, we present a method of using the cancer cell’s own irresponsive and uncontrolled growth mechanism to their disadvantage and destroy the cancer cells. We found that this is achievable in an atomic/molecular level study of the glucose molecule, which is the primary food source used for growth and energy generation by all cells in the body, including the cancer cel...

Management of Hemorrhagic Shock According to the Revised “Physiological Classification” - Update 2024 | Chapter 11 | New Visions in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 4

 Hemorrhagic shock management is based on a timely, rapid, definitive source control of bleeding/s and on blood loss replacement. Stopping the hemorrhage progressing from any named and visible vessel is the main stem fundamental praxis of therapeutic efficacy, ultimately an essential, obligatory, life-saving step. Blood loss replacement serves mainly the purpose of preventing ischemia/reperfusion toxemia and optimizing tissue oxygenation and microcirculation dynamics. The “revised physiological classification” is the only classification that suits timely intervention, tactics like titrated hypotensive resuscitation and iatrogenic vasoconstriction, and strategies like titrated-to-response anesthesia and damage control surgery. Timing and approach to management should follow the classification, from onset of the hemorrhage to cardiac arrest by exsanguination. In hypotensive shock, the body’s response to a fluid load test is the diriment cut-off information to have for distinguishing ...

A Multi-factorial Analysis of the Factors Affecting Elementary Students’ Interest in Physical Education Considering Students’ Ethnicity and Gender | Chapter 5 | New Visions in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 4

  Background: Student attitudes toward education are of great concern to educators around the world. Fostering Student’s positive interest in physical education is of great concern in academia. More importantly, the rationale as to why one would maintain a positive interest in physical education is of concern. These topics have been widely researched. However, the comparison of gender and ethnicity as it relates to students’ interest in physical education is a novel investigation. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the relationship between elementary student’s interest in physical education considering gender, ethnicity, curricular and teacher influences, and student’s perceived competency. Methods: Participants included 99 fifth-grade elementary school students (62 males, 37 females). Participant selection was conducted by utilizing 6 intact physical education classes from a single culturally diverse elementary school. Racial and ethnic distribution for fifth graders c...

Risk Factors for Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders. A Review of the Literature | Chapter 8 | New Visions in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 4

  Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the risk factors for the development of postpartum psychiatric disorders through international literature. Materials and Methods: Throughout many articles in PubMed, Google scholar and PsycInfo, a great amount of recent data was gathered to identify the disorders that are most common as well as their risk factors. Results: After childbirth, most commonly women experience postpartum depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and postpartum psychosis. All the disorders have many similar risk-factors with the main one being preexisting psychiatric disorder and many similar symptoms too. Conclusions: Women after childbirth are at risk of experience many psychiatric disorders, such as postpartum distress, postpartum post traumatic stress disorder and even more rarely postpartum psychosis. It is important to provide comprehensive support to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the infant and this will b...

Diagnosis and Management of Scrapie in Post Mortem Goats by Immunohistochemistry | Chapter 6 | New Visions in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 4

  The main objective of this study was to contribute to the annual passive surveillance for this pathology, since the goats are a species considered reservoir for the prion. A class of pathologies known as Transmissible Spongiform Illnesses (TSEs), which affect both humans and animals, includes scrapie, a neurological disease with a slow and deadly course that affects sheep, goats, and mouflons. Given that Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is the globally accepted technique for identifying classical scrapie in goats—a species thought to be a potential zoonotic disease reservoir. Chile in relation to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), is classified as a disease-free country. Scrapie is actively monitored for the sheep, but passively for the caprine species, which is why this study was carried out in slaughtered goats in the central north of the country (IV Region), to provide information to the surveillance system for this disease. Fifty brains of goats older than 2 years were used, r...