Continental Application of Foamed Concrete Technology: Lessons for Civil Engineering Infrastructures Development for Africa | Chapter 02 | Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2
The properties of foamed concrete as a
variable density concrete, is now being tapped for effective application in the
global construction industry. Foamed concrete is applicable in various
continental climates. In hot continental climates, with very hot days and cold
nights with temperatures of 90°C and 10°C respectively, it is successfully used
in Kazachstan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. This study presents the
properties and applications of this type of concrete at varying densities
highlighting the advantages and circumstances for its use. Economic and Other
Considerations together with its multipurpose applications were also presented.
Comparative study of the involvement levels in the use of
foamed concrete technology
economy by the
various continents was undertaken.
Results indicated that Asia
and Europe alone
accounted for 50%
and 33.3% respectively,
totaling 83%. Africa’s exposure
level to foamed
concrete technology is
only 5.6% which
is grossly non-commensurable to
the population on the
Continent compared with
shares from other parts.
Some research and development
efforts were presented
to show that
there are opportunities
for groundbreaking research works in this field. Africa and Australia
each has a share of 5.6% in global involvement in foamed concrete technology
economy. This stresses that Africa’s
exposure level to foamed concrete technology
of 5.6% only
is grossly non-commensurable to the
population on the Continent compared
with shares from other parts of the globe. The world experience has shown that
the special technological feature of foamed concrete allows it to be used for
multipurpose applications in the building and other infrastructural
developments industries as highlighted in the text. This impliesthat Africa
needs to rise
up to tap opportunities that
abound in this
context to improve
her infrastructural development rates. There are also opportunities for
new ventures on the platform of foamed concrete applications and equipment.
Author(s) Details
Felix Adeniran OGINNI,
B.Sc. PhD, DMS.
Department of Civil
Engineering, Osun State University, P.M.B. 4494, Oshogbo, Nigeria.
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