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Ectopic Prostate in the Uterine Cervix / Female Genital Tract Including Vagina and Vulva: A Review of the Literature | Chapter 07 | Current Trends in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 4

Background: Men are known to have prostate glands but not women. The thought of prostate gland occurring in the female genital tract in women would be petrifying to all clinicians and people who are not aware of  its biological  behavior. Ectopic prostate in the uterine cervix (EPIUC) and the female genital tract (FGT) is very rare.

Aim: To review the literature on EPIUC/FGT and to document its biological behavior.

Methods: Information  obtained  from  17  references,  was  used to provide the  literature  review  on EPIUC/FGT.

Results: Few cases of EPIUC/FGT have been reported at ages ranging between 21 and 82 years EPIUCs/FGTs  may  be  diagnosed  incidentally  in  biopsies  of  the  cervix/vagina/vulva,  or  in hysterectomy specimens or they may mimic leiomyomas. Histological examination of cervical biopsies or  of  the  cervix  in  hysterectomy  specimens tends  to reveal  ducts  and  acini  some  papillary  or cribriform,  with  prominent  squamous  metaplasia EPIUCs/FGTs which  does show positive Immunohisto-chemical  staining  for  prostate  specific  antigen  (PSA),  prostatic-specific  acid phosphatase (PSAP [PAP]), high molecular weight keratin (for basal cells). EPIUCs reported so far have exhibited benign behavior.

Conclusions: Information obtained from the literature would indicate that EPIUCs / FGTs are rare and so far have exhibited benign behavior. Clinicians should report cases of EPIUC/FGT in order to establish whether or not EPIUCs/FGTs may or may not develop into carcinomas in the future. Ectopic prostate  in  the  uterine  cervix  and  the  female  genital  tract  is  very  rare  and  pathologists  and gynaecologists  may  not  be  familiar  with  this  entity  because  of  its  rarity.  The  differential  diagnoses include:  adenocarcinoma  in  situ,  adenoid  basal  carcinoma  of  the  cervix  and  minimal  deviation adenocarcinoma of the cervix. It is important for pathologists, gynaecologists and all clinicians to be aware  of  the  presence  of  ectopic  prostate  in  the  uterine  cervix,  vagina  and  vulva  in  order  that  an accurate diagnosis is made and in order to avoid unwarranted radical surgical treatment.

Author(s) Details

Mr Anthony Kodzo-Grey Venyo MB ChB FRCS(Ed) FRCSI FGCS Urol. LLM
Department of Urology, North Manchester General Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom.

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