Effects of Metosartan on Testis Tissue Chromatin and Enzyme Kinetics of Testicular RNaseA | Chapter 01 | Recent Advances in Biological Research Vol. 1
Metosartan is the drug normally used as
antihypertensive agent that act on heart and reduces hypertension in humans.
It’s components telmisartan is a angiotensin type I receptor blocker known to
induce apoptosis in urinary bladder and metoprolyl is the beta receptor
blocker. RNase A is the most experimental protein in the 20th century.
Disulphide bonds are necessary for enzymatic action of many proteins and it is
also required for this protein. RNaseA kinetic studies is performed with the
drug metosartan using RNA as the substrate Metosartan is an combination of
metoprolol and telmisartan and found to contain inhibitory property on RNaseA.
Protein degradation and thiol titration assay has found to be that the drug has
reducing property on RNaseA. The study concludes that metosartin inhibits the
activity of RNAse A allosterically by reducing the disulphide bonds present on
it. The reduction of disulphides may dissociate the enzyme to its monomer which
is not highly active hence reducing the catalytic activity of RNase A. HPLC
studies confirm the RNaseA presence in testes and drug also induce toroid
packing of DNA in immature sperms.
Biography of author(s)
Eswari Beeram
Department of Biochemistry,
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi-517502, India.
Bukke Suman
Department of Biochemistry,
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi-517502, India.
Bysani divya
Department of Biochemistry,
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi-517502, India.
View Volume: https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/rabr/v1
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