Examples of Simply and Multiply Connected Fatou Sets for a Class of Meromorphic Functions | Chapter 04 | Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 1
Aims: We
give some families of functions which are meromorphic outside a compact
countable set B of essential
singularities. Our aim is to give some examples of the stable set (called the
Fatou set) and the unstable set (called the Julia set) since there are not many
examples of parametric family of this class of functions (called in the
introduction functions of class K)
in complex dynamics.
Study design: We
study components of the Fatou set and some theorems related with the iteration of
functions in class K and design
a computational program to give examples of the Julia and Fatou sets.
Place and Duration of Study: Facultad
de Ciencias F__sico Matem_aticas, Benem_erita Universidad Aut_onoma de Puebla,
M_exico between June 2011 and July 2012.
Methodology: We
use some theorems of complex dynamics in order to study components of the Fatou
set. We program some algorithms in C and get some _gures of the Fatou set.
Results: Given
a family of functions in class K we
get some mathematical results of the Fatou and Julia sets and its _gures for
some parameters given.
Conclusion: Taking
some families in class K ∩ Sk
we give examples of the Fatou set which can be either simply-connected
or multiply-connected in the last case the Julia set is a totally disconnected set.
Author Details:
P. Domínguez
Físico-Matemáticas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Av. San Claudio,
Col. San Manuel, C.U., Puebla Pue., 72570, México.
A. Hernández
Físico-Matemáticas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Av. San Claudio,
Col. San Manuel, C.U., Puebla Pue., 72570, México.
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