Environmental Responsibility Accounting Practices Disclosure and Performance of Quoted Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria | Chapter 01 | Current Perspectives to Environment and Climate Change Vol. 1
This study examined the relationship
between environmental responsibility accounting practices disclosure and
performance of quoted manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study adopted
environmental responsibility accounting practices disclosure (ERAP) based on
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Reporting Guidelines as the dependent
variable, while return on total assets (ROTA) and assets size (SIZE) were used
to represent firm performance and the independent variables. The study which
was anchored on the stakeholders’ theory used secondary data obtained from the
annual reports of 73 manufacturing companies quoted on the floor of the Nigeria
Stock Exchange for the years 2013- 2017. The ordinary least square (OLS)
regression method was used as the basic technique of data analysis. Findings of
the study revealed the existence of a significant positive relationship between
firm performance and environmental responsibility accounting practices
disclosure in the manufacturing sector of Nigeria. However, the findings of the
study also indicated that environmental responsibility accounting practices
disclosure in Nigeria is still developing and that manufacturing sector
organizations report very little information about the impact of their
operations on the environment. The study recommended, amongst others, that the
relevant authorities and regulatory bodies in the country formulate statutory
environmental friendly standards requirements for manufacturing sector
organizations to comply with in order to facilitate environmental
responsibility accounting practices disclosure.
Author(s) Details
Lyndon M. Etale
Department of Accountancy,
Faculty of Management Sciences, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island,
Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
View Volume: https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/cpecc/v1
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