Fifty Years after “How to Wreck the Environment”: Anthropogenic Extinction of Life on Earth | Chapter 12 | Current Perspectives to Environment and Climate Change Vol. 1
Fifty years ago geoscientist Gordon J. F. MacDonald penned a book-chapter
entitled, “How to Wreck the Environment”, in which he described how a nation
might alter the environment so as to covertly inflict harm on an enemy nation.
Our objective is to review MacDonald’s suggestions of environmental warfare
strategies in light of subsequent technological advances, and in the context of
actual deployment of the war methods he described.
We review the interdisciplinary, historical, scientific and medical literature.
MacDonald discussed overt and covert weather warfare based upon seeding clouds
to cause rainfall. Subsequently, a method was developed for inhibiting rainfall
by jet-emplacing pollution particulates where clouds form. For at least two
decades citizens have observed such particulate trails occurring with
increasing frequency. Forensic scientific investigations implicate toxic coal
fly ash as their main constituent. Around 2010, the aerial particulate spraying
ramped-up to a near-daily, near-global level. Presumably, a secret
international agreement mandated the aerial spraying as a ‘sunshade’ for Earth.
However, aerial spraying, rather than cooling, heats the atmosphere, retards
Earth’s heat loss, and causes global warming. MacDonald also discussed
destroying atmospheric ozone and triggering earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,
activities now possible with high-frequency ionospheric heaters.
The U. S. military’s ongoing decision to weaponize the environment for national
security purposes was accurately forecasted by MacDonald. But he failed to
realize that national militaries could and would be co-opted by a secret
international agreement the consequence of which, however unintentional, was to
wage war on planet Earth, on all its biota, and on its natural, biogeochemical
processes. Unless and until politicians, news media, scientists, and others in
our society face the truth of what is happening before their very eyes and
collectively demand a halt to these covert technological activities, we will
march onward – to the first anthropogenic-caused mass extinction.
Author(s) Details
J. Marvin Herndon
Transdyne Corporation, 11044
Red Rock Drive, San Diego, CA 92131, USA.
Mark Whiteside
Florida Department of Health
in Monroe County, 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, FL 33040, USA.
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