Political, Economical, Social, Cultural and Technological Obstacles in the Schools | Chapter 03 | Perspectives of Arts and Social Studies Vol. 2
Organizational structure forms the
interaction and responsibilities among duties, individuals and resources in an
organization. Traditional organizational structures are generally categorized
as functional, separated, strategic work unit, matrix and product set
structure. Successful institutions give importance to informal organizational
factors along with formal organizational factors. Informal organizational
factors are mostly people oriented topics. Organizational managers are expected
to be leaders and coordinate the staff in accordance with the organizational
purposes in order to use the material and human resources of the organization
rationally. Managers play a fundamental role in school quality and they have an
impact on school and classroom management with the management approaches they
perform. Educational organizations are social open systems and they make great
effort to maintain their existance and to acheve their goals. Despite their
effort, some may be defined as “effective” and some may be called “less
effective”. Many research have demonstrated that school efficacy is not related
with financial status but with organizational culture and climate. This section
aimed to determine obstacles in educational organizations through PEST
(Political, Economical, Social and Technological aspects) analysis and to make
advisory inferences for future research. This study is important to reveal the
obstacles in the schools and educational organizations. By doing this, the
quality of the school will increase, students’ success will be enhanced and
educators will experience more job satisfaction in their professions. The
political obstacles in schools are related to syndicate, diplomacy, hierarchy,
upper management and legislation and the economical obstacles stem from school
budget, personal rights and limited school resources. The social obstacles are
school environment, principal, teacher, student and the issues related to
school culture. The technological obstacles consists of issues related to
teaching material and virtual system. The political, social, cultural,
economical and technological obstacles in schools should be eliminated in order
to get the expected efficiency in schools. It can be concluded that political,
social, cultural, economic and technologic obstacles should be reduced in order
to obtained desired productivity in schools.
Author(s) Details
Dr. Süleyman Göksoy
Department of Educational
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Düzce University, Konuralp Campus, Düzce,
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