Previously Unrecognized Primary Factors in the Demise of Endangered Torrey Pines: A Microcosm of Global Forest Die-offs | Chapter 13 | Current Perspectives to Environment and Climate Change Vol. 1
Forests worldwide are experiencing die-offs on an unprecedented scale. So too
is the endangered Torrey Pine, Pinus torreyana. Just as the global toxicity
from acid rain was recognized and abatement measures taken, a new undisclosed
source of atmospheric toxins from geoengineering rapidly escalated to
near-global scale. Published forensic evidence is consistent with coal fly ash
(CFA), the toxic waste-product of coal-burning, being the main particulate used
for geoengineering. The objective of this paper is to disclose unrecognized
primary factors arising from geoengineering which underlie the demise of Torrey
Pines and global forest die-offs.
Snow and fog water samples collected after aerial spraying were analyzed by
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and interpreted in light
of extensive field observations.
Atmospheric moisture extracts many elements in water-soluble form from
aerosolized CFA, including aluminum, which is hazardous to many biota,
especially trees. Needles and leaves trap toxin-laden atmospheric moisture, and
concentrate it by evaporation. Additionally, toxin-concentrate evaporates on
needles and leaves, adversely affecting respiration. Eventually, the
re-solubilized toxin-concentrate falls to the ground and enters the root
system. This is one of the primary factors which underlie the demise of Torrey
Pines and forest die-offs worldwide. Another primary factor is enhanced solar
ultraviolet radiation, which is caused, we posit, in part by disruption of
atmospheric ozone by aerosolized CFA, which contains ozone-killing chlorine in
variable amounts ranging as high as 25,000 µg/g. Together, these primary debilitating
factors weaken trees’ natural defenses and make them vulnerable to insects,
such as bark beetles, fungal infections, and other biotic factors.
We disclose a natural mechanism whereby trees’ needles and leaves concentrate
toxins extracted by moisture from aerosolized coal fly ash used for
intentional, man-made weather and climate change. This form of deliberate air
pollution must be halted to preserve Earth’s forests.
Author(s) Details
J. Marvin Herndon
Transdyne Corporation, 11044
Red Rock Drive, San Diego, CA 92131, USA.
Mark Whiteside
Florida Department of Health
in Monroe County, 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, FL 33040, USA.
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