Temporal Variations in the Short and Long Term of the Species Richness and the Abundances Structuring in a Same Butterfly Community: An Enlightening Case Study at Gariwang-san (Korea) | Chapter 06 | Recent Advances in Biological Research Vol. 4
The way species-rich communities react
over time, in both the short term (inter-annual) and the long term (decades) is
usually very complicated but also often proves very instructive as regards
several aspects of the functional structuration of the community. A three
decades monitoring of the same butterfly community at Gariwang-san
(South-Korea) thus provides interesting insights on the temporal responses of
several major features of the community structuration. In turn, the close
analysis of these responses allows to relevantly address some hotly debated
hypothesis. The two following ones are addressed and questioned in particular:
(i) which kinds of structural and functional features of communities prove
being more or less sensitive to environmental degradations and (ii) to what
extent the notions of “functional equivalence” and “community resilience” are
likely supported by the analysis derived from this short-term and long-term
Besides, on a methodological point of
view, it is especially emphasized the absolute necessity, in this type of
studies, to consider (sub-) exhaustive samplings of the targeted communities,
since incomplete inventories would most often lead to severe bias in the
interpretation of results. Alternatively, if (sub-) exhaustive samplings cannot
be achieved (as is often the case in practice), it is mandatory to complete the
available partial samplings (and the associated incomplete species abundance
distributions) by an appropriate procedure of numerical extrapolation.
Author(s) Details
Dr. Jean Béguinot
Biogéosciences, UMR 6282,
CNRS, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 6, Boulevard Gabriel, 21000 Dijon,
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