Comparative Analysis of Four Heuristic Functions that Optimizes the A* Search Algorithm | Chapter 02 | Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 2
this chapter are compared four
heuristic functions with
high efficiency for an optimum solving of
8-puzzle. The analysis is realized among Chebyshev distance, Hamming
distance and Manhattan distance using A* search algorithm implemented in Java.
The two heuristic
functions defined using Chebyshev
distance are more informed than Hamming and Manhattan
heuristics. This chapter also presents necessary stages in object oriented
development of an
interactive software dedicated to simulate
the A* search
algorithm for 8-puzzle.
The modelling of software
is achieved through specific UML
diagrams representing phases of
analysis, design and implementation, the
system thus being described in a clear and practical manner. In order to
confirm that second Chebyshev
heuristic is more
efficient was used space
complexity performance criteria.
The space complexity was measured by number
of generated nodes from search
tree, by number of expanded nodes
and by effective branching factor. From experimental results obtained by
using second Chebyshev heuristic, improvements were observed regarding
space complexity of A* algorithm versus
Hamming, Manhattan and
first Chebyshev heuristics.
Analysing the results presented in graphics, it can be asserted that number of
steps made for obtaining the
solution is the
same for similar
configurations, determining the optimal
solutions for all
four examined heuristics. But,
investigating generated nodes number in the search tree associated with the A*
algorithm using second Chebyshev
heuristic, it can be observed
that this number is
strictly less than number
obtain by using other
three heuristics. Calculating
approximately effective branching factor
for all four
heuristics, there were obtained values illustrated in figures.
The values of b* appropriate to function hC2 are more appropriate to
value 1 than values of b* appropriate to functions hM, hH,
and hC1, so the A* algorithm using hC2 heuristic drives
to an optimal solution in
a way that
appears to be
linear. According to these
experimental values, results
the superiority of second Chebyshev heuristic
from Manhattan, Hamming
and first Chebyshev
heuristics. In this case we can
say that hC2 heuristic dominates hM, hH, and hC1
heuristics, from space complexity point of view.
Author(s) Details
Anca-Elena Iordan
Department of Electrical
Engineering and Industrial Informatics, Engineering Faculty of Hunedoara,
Polytechnic University Timisoara, Romania.
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