Ergonomics Workstation Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders in a Nigerian University | Chapter 13 | Current Trends in Disease and Health Vol. 2
This study examines the experiences of
musculoskeletal discomfort among staff and students of the University of Port
Harcourt as it relates to their workstations. Questionnaires were designed to
extract information from respondents on their experience of musculoskeletal
pains and other discomforts. A total of 320 questionnaires were distributed
randomly to staff and students across the three campuses of the University of
Port Harcourt. One hundred and forty (140) questionnaires were distributed to
staff (academic, 60 and non-academic, 90) out of which 115 were retrieved.
Similarly, 170 questionnaires were distributed to students out of which 163
were retrieved; altogether 278 out of 320 yielded a 86.9% response rate. The
study revealed that there is a strong relationship between the workstation set
up and development of musculoskeletal discomfort in classrooms and offices at
the University of Port Harcourt. Most staff and students experienced low back
and neck pains due to poor ergonomic practices. Furthermore, most of the
students respondents spent their reasonable time sitting in class receiving
lectures (47%) and studying/reading (18.3%), respectively. While a handful of
students (9%) stood for most of the time receiving lectures; due to limited
number of seats. A multiple regression analysis on workstation against MSDs
(lower backaches, headaches, neck & upper backaches and neck & shoulder
aches) yielded a coefficient of variance, R2 of 87%. The sensitivity analysis
on the regression model gave the following results: R2 = 29.94, 1.23, 41.7, and
14.12% for workstation against i) lower backaches; ii) headaches; iii) neck
& upper backaches; iv) neck & shoulder aches, respectively. The result
of Kruskal-Walli’s test of significance on the questionnaire response to simple
ergonomic workstation (the cause) and those of musculoskeletal disorder (the effect)
showed not significant. This confirmed
the consistency of responses (that is, the samples were from the same
distribution). Kendall’s w-statistic for staff and students level of agreement
< 50% in all cases.
Author(s) Details
Ify L. Nwaogazie
Centre for Occupational
Health, Safety and Environment, Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of
Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Ken K. Umeadi
Centre for Occupational
Health, Safety and Environment, Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of
Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Oghenefejiri Bovwe
Centre for Occupational
Health, Safety and Environment, Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of
Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria.
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