Adoption of Precision Technologies in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Cultivation at Thottiyam Block of Tiruchirappalli District | Chapter 06 | Current Perspective to Economics and Management Vol. 3
Agricultural extension system is the
primary delivery system for information to farmers. Agricultural extension has
the potential to stimulate agricultural development and is often used as a tool
for implementing government policy. Available agricultural technology does not
serve its purpose till it reaches and adopted by it ultimate users, the
farmers. The present study was conducted
in Thottiyam block of Tiruchirappalli district to assess the adoption of
precision technologies in bitter gourd cultivation. Totally 90 farmers were
selected for the study. A schedule was developed to know the adoption level of
the bitter gourd cultivation through precision technologies and the adoption
level was ranked based on the adoption status. From this study high extent of
adoption of precision technologies viz., field preparation specified farm
implements, recommended spacing, neem cake application at last ploughing,
stakes to reach the pandal, growth regulators (ethrel 100 ppm) spray to
increase fruit setting and marketing through integrated approach (Rank I) in
bitter gourd cultivation was observed among the Krishi Vigyan Kendra adopted
farmers compared to the non adopted farmers. It was concluded that the
technology transformation tools like farmers field school, demonstration,
training and exposure visit had increasing effect to enhance the production and
productivity of crops. Farmer’s knowledge and attitudes towards the technology
adoption can be increased more effectively through extension activities.
Agricultural extension programmes and farming education are the main
instruments of the government policy to improve the agricultural productivity
by adopting advanced production technologies. By adopting advanced production
Author(s) Details
V. Dhanushkodi
ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Sirugamani, Tiruchirappalli -639 115, Tamil Nadu, India.
K. Padmadevi
ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Sirugamani, Tiruchirappalli -639 115, Tamil Nadu, India.
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