Core Dimensions of Organizational Culture in a Research and Development Organization in Tamil Nadu, India | Chapter 02 | Emerging Issues in Science and Technology Vol. 1
The research paper aims to analyse the
core dimensions of Organizational Culture in a R&D institution that is
completely dedicated to research in Basic and Allied Sciences. The sole purpose
of this research is to capture those dimensions amenable to R&D activities
in this organization that will lead to higher R&D performance. The research
examines factors like Strategy, Structure, Resources, Risk taking, Job &
Role Characteristics, Team Dynamics, Collaboration & Networking,
Leadership, Reward System, Safety & Health and Customer Satisfaction in the
context of the organization. Research data was collected using a questionnaire
from a sample of (n = 110) respondents within the institute. All the variable
items for Organisational Culture were measured using a five-point Likert scale.
Parametric and Non-Parametric tests were used to analyze the dimensions of
culture, relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction of
employees and also the influence of demographic factors on organizational
culture.The paper also includes recommendations to guide the management of the
organization to identify and inculcate cultural values that will enhance
R&D activities and to gradually abandon those practices that hinder
creativity and innovativeness among the employees.
Author(s) Details
Vijaya Mani
SSN School of Management,
Kalavakkam, Tamil Nadum 603110, India.
Ramyaa Shree S.
SSN School of Management,
Kalavakkam, Tamil Nadum 603110, India.
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