Power Amplifier- Memory-less Non Linear Modeling | Chapter 06 | Theory and Applications of Physical Science Vol. 2
The power amplifier’s nonlinearity
broadens the input signal’s bandwidth. This is known as spectral re-growth
which is undesirable since it causes interference with adjacent channels. It
also causes distortions within the signal bandwidth, which affects the bit
error rate at the receiver. Most recent transmission schemes, such as wideband
code division multiple access (WCDMA) or orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM), are especially vulnerable to the nonlinear distortions due
to high fluctuations in their power levels. To ensure that linearity is
maintained to a high degree, it is necessary to examine the nature of amplifier
distortion. Audio amplifier distortion is of concern for many years. The
conventional feedback techniques used at audio frequencies are not applicable
to many RF amplifiers due to following problems: 1. Stability at high
bandwidth. 2. Cost for high gains in RF stages. Memory less or Instantaneous
Nonlinear Model assumes that the PA has no memory effects, that is, it has no
knowledge of past events and hence the present o/p signal is only a function of
present i/p signal. The model is further simplified by restricting the analysis
to signal and distortion contained within the first harmonic zone, such models
are referred to as band pass memory-less nonlinear models and are further
simplified since they do not need to model even order nonlinearities. A memory
less nonlinear model can be modeled in polar (amplitude and phase) or Cartesian
(I and Q) form.
Author(s) Details
Ruchi Pasricha Singla
Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering, Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran, Mohali,
Punjab, India.
Sanjay Kumar Sharma
Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
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