Quantum Oscillations of the Landau-Pekar Polaron in the Dielectric Layers and Bipolaron Formations | Chapter 01 | Theory and Applications of Physical Science Vol. 2
The conditions are identified under
which the electrostatic image forces at an interface dielectrics result in
spatial confinement of the large polarons. This paper presents the theoretical
study of large polarons state near the interface of two and three insulators.
Action of a combination of external magnetic and electric fields and forces of
the electrostatic image on polaron quasi two-dimensional nanostructures is
analyzed. It is established that at certain ratios of dielectric constants of
two dielectrics there is a fixing of polarons at some equilibrium distance from
an interface of dielectrics. Polarons are fixed in the plane of the parallel to
plane of the interface, forming a quasi two-dimensional nanolayer. The
Bogolyubov method of collective coordinate is used to derive equations
describing quantum oscillations of the center of inertia of a polaron near its
equilibrium position. A long-range resonant interaction of two oscillators
resulting in the appearance of effective attraction between polarons is
discussed. The dielectric properties of adjacent insulators required for
complete compensation of the Coulomb interpolaron repulsion are determined.
Derivation is given on the temperature and magnetic field in which the polaron
oscillations are not suppressed. The reasons are discussed why in some
experiments high-temperature superconductivity of metal-ammonia systems was
found, while in other experiments it was not possible to detect
Author(s) Details
Vladimir K. Mukhomorov
Dipartimento di Scienze
Fisiche, Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy.
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