Ultrasonic, Dielectric and thermal investigation of PMMA / Fe2O3 Films | Chapter 05 | Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 7
polymer metal oxide films containing Poly (methyl-methacrylates) PMMA/Ferric
oxide Fe2O3 are synthesized following solution cast
technique. Complexation and particle size are determined by XRD and SEM
analysis. Ultrasonic and Dielectric characterization have been done by using
Ultrasonic Pulse Echo method and LCR meter respectively. The dielectric
behavior of PMMA/ Fe2O3 films has been studied as a
function of concentration, and at lower frequencies over the range 100 Hz - 25
KHz. A 7:3 PMMA/Fe2O3 film have been found to posses
optimal conducting and optical properties. The ultrasonic velocity is also
found to be minimum in same film which may be attributed to maximum
dissociation with least absorption in polymer matrix. Addition of Fe2O3
thermally stabilizes PMMA matrix.
Author(s) Details
Dr. A. R. Bansod
Acoustical Research Lab, PG Department
of Physics, RTMNU, Nagpur, 992302440, India.
Dr. O. P. Chimankar
Acoustical Research Lab, PG
Department of Physics, RTMNU, Nagpur, 992302440, India.
A. R. Khobragade
Acoustical Research Lab, PG
Department of Physics, RTMNU, Nagpur, 992302440, India.
A. Gandhe
Acoustical Research Lab, PG
Department of Physics, RTMNU, Nagpur, 992302440, India.
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