Differential Subordinations for Non-analytic Functions | Chapter 11 | Theory and Applications of Mathematical Science Vol. 1
In paper [1], Petru T. Mocanu has
obtained sufficient conditions for a function in the classes C1 (U),
respectively C2 (U) to be univalent and to map U onto a domain which
is starlike (with respect to origin), respectively convex. Those conditions are
similar to those in the analytic case. In paper [2], Petru T. Mocanu has
obtained sufficient conditions of univalency for complex functions in the class C1
which are also similar to those in the analytic case. Having those papers as
inspiration, we have tried to introduce the notion of subordination for non-analytic
functions of classes C1 and C2 following the classical
theory of differential subordination for analytic functions introduced by S.S.
Miller and P.T. Mocanu in papers [3] and [4] and developed in the book [5]. Let
Ω be any set in the complex plane C, let p be a non-analytic function in the
unit disc U, p ∈ C2(U) and let ψ(r, s, t; z) : C3×U
→ C. In article [6] we have considered the problem of determining properties of
the function p, non-analytic in the unit disc U, such that p satisfies the differential
subordination. ψ(p(z), Dp(z), D2p(z) − Dp(z); z) ⊂ Ω ⇒ p(U)
⊂ ∆.
The present chapter is based on the results contained in paper [7], some parts
of it have been removed and results obtained after the appearance of the paper
have been added.
Author(s) Details
Georgia Irina Oros
Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science, University of Oradea, Universitatii Street, No. 1, 410087
Oradea, Romania.
Gheorghe Oros
Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science, University of Oradea, Universitatii Street, No. 1, 410087
Oradea, Romania.
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