Blood Groups and Periodontal Disease | Chapter 08 | Innovations in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 1
The presence of putative periodontal
pathogens is crucial to the development of inflammatory periodontal disease,
but host immunity and other risk factors may also play a role in its
progression. Genetic factors may act as a protective or risk factor. ABO blood
groups are the most investigated erythrocyte antigen system. The presence or
absence of blood group antigens has been associated with various diseases, with
antigens also acting as receptors for infectious agents. However, varied
literature is documented exploring the relationship between ABO blood group and
prevalence of oral and dental diseases. The aim of this study was to
investigate the correlation of periodontal disease with “ABO” blood groups and
Rhesus factor.
A total of 684 systemically healthy
subjects who were non smokers were selected by chance. Subjects with known
blood group, who had at least 20 teeth, were included in the study and the
blood groups were confirmed from their medical records. Based on the
periodontal parameters like clinical attachment loss (CAL) and bleeding on
probing (BOP) the subjects were divided into three groups: Healthy, gingivitis
and periodontitis. The percentage distribution of ABO blood groups and Rhesus
factor among the groups was tabulated. Results suggested that, there was an
increased prevalence of gingivitis in subjects with blood group ‘A’ and
periodontitis in subjects with blood group ‘O’, while subjects with blood group
‘B’ had healthy periodontium. Similarly, there was higher prevalence of gingivitis
in Rh positive group. Based on our findings, a significant relationship between
blood typing and periodontal disease was determined in this study. Further
research into this is indicated.
Author(s) Details
Dr. Varma Siddhartha [BDS,
Department of
Periodontology, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, India.
Dr. Suragimath Girish [BDS,
Department of
Periodontology, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, India.
Dr. Zope Sameer [BDS, MDS]
Department of
Periodontology, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, India.
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