Dark Matter and Dark Energy as a Derivate from Cosmic Photon Radiation | Chapter 05 | Theory and Applications of Physical Science Vol. 3
For many decades now, intensive efforts
have been undertaken by physicists and cosmologists around the world to investigate
dark matter (DM), without noticeable success to date. This situation leads me
to believe that one of the assumptions underlying the current doctrine in
physics may well be erroneous or incomplete – since a breakthrough in this
field of physics and cosmology would otherwise surely have already taken place
by now.
For the past years, the CERN Nuclear Research Centre has set itself the task of
using the LHC (upgraded to 13 TeV) to investigate the still completely
mysterious phenomenon of dark matter. The researchers at CERN favour the
assumption – shared by the majority of physicists and cosmologists, that DM consists of massive non-baryonic
particles (so-called WIMPs, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) hitherto
completely unknown to us, which produce a non-baryonic, static gravitational
field distributed throughout the entire cosmos.
I cast doubt on the above assumption that DM is massive in nature. As this
paper will show, DM can be far better (and more simply) explained in terms of a
non-massive gravitational derivate of those photons consumed in the expansion
of cosmic space (by performing the work of expansion), those photons thereby
being transformed into static physical quantities. This gravitational derivate
creates a free gravitational field (decoupled from the other forces of nature)
of non-baryonic, static nature, regionally varying in intensity, and this is
known as dark matter.
Author(s) Details
Guido Zbiral
Independent Private
Scientist, Klosterneuburg, Austria (Retd.).
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