Relation between Planck’s Constant and Speed of Light, Predicting Proton Radius More Accurately | Chapter 06 | Theory and Applications of Physical Science Vol. 3
Twin physics is a new physical model in
which the basic features of quantum mechanics and relativity theory are
combined to a manageable description, which can be represented geometrically.
In this model, descriptions of phenomena on a quantum-mechanical scale can be
combined with those at an astronomical scale by considering them in a
complementary way. This is in agreement with the view of Heisenberg and carried
out by using the definition of complementarity as given by Max Jammer.
The obtained theoretical results can be identified with basic physical
phenomena like the forces of nature, a series of elementary particles and
gravitational waves. If the proton, as described by twin physics, is combined
with the early ideas of Einstein about the energetic equivalence of mass and
radiation, a relation between the Planck’s constant and the speed of light is
found, in which the mass and the radius of the proton occur. In this relation
also a factor four appears, being an integer, which is acting as a conversion
factor from mass to radiation. Besides of that, the relation leads to a more
accurate prediction of the radius of the proton.
Author(s) Details
Anna C. M. Backerra
Gualtherus Sylvanusstraat 2,
7412 DM Deventer, The Netherlands.
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