Management of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Airport Inventories | Chapter 1 | Current Research in Education and Social Studies Vol. 4
Greenhouse gases retain heat in the
atmosphere since they absorb most of the Earth's outgoing long wave infrared
radiation. The energy trapping alters the radiative balance that, in turn,
modifies weather patterns at a global scale, progressively increasing the
natural greenhouse effect. Heat-trapping ability of some pollutants and
primarily the carbon overload in the atmosphere as a result of human activities
which have been protracted over a long period of time, has led to climate
change and increase in global average temperature.
In a long-term perspective, emission
abatement from aviation sector has needed wide-ranging strategies. In this view
an inventory of greenhouse gases can be a benchmark with regard to which to
assess the reaching of quantitative targets of emissions reduction set at the
political level, to develop control measures and to monitor human-influenced
climate drivers over time.
Based on the above, the article
focuses on issues of air pollution generated by airport operations with a view
to devising airport inventories appropriate for effectively managing Greenhouse
Gas emissions.
After an overview of policy
framework on climate change, core policies, standards and guidelines in force
in the international regulatory context on this subject, the essential steps to
be followed for developing an airport Greenhouse Gas emissions inventory and
methodologies used to calculate their amount are presented. At last, references
to proactively address issues concerning sustainability of airports are proposed
and commented in order to gain better knowledge on management practices to be
taken to plan mitigation measures and reduce polluting emissions.
Author(s) Details
O. Giuffre
Department of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 8, 90128 Palermo, Italy
A. Granà
Department of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 8, 90128 Palermo, Italy.
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