Quantitative Analysis of Relationship between Three Psychological Parameters Based on Swallowtail Catastrophe Model: A recent perspectives | Chapter 09 | Theory and Applications of Mathematical Science Vol. 3
sudden jump in the value of the state variable in a certain dynamical system
can be studied through a catastrophe model. This paper presents an application
of catastrophe model to solve a psychological problems. Since we will have
three psychological aspects or parameters. Intelligence (I), Emotion (E), and
Adversity (A), a Swallowtail catastrophe model
is considered to be an appropriate one. Our methodology consists of
three steps : solving the Swallowtail potential function, finding the critical
points up to and including three-fold degenerates and fitting the model into
our measured data. Using a polynomial curve fitting derived from the potential
function of Swallowtail Catastrophe Model, relations among three parameters
combinations are analyzed. Results show that there are catastrophe phenomena
for each relations, meaning that a small change in one psychological aspect may
cause a dramatically change in another aspect.
Author(s) Details
Dr. Asti Meiza
Faculty of Psychology, UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia.
Sutawanir Darwis
Statistical Research
Division, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Bandung Institute of Technology,
Agus Yodi Gunawan
Industrial and Finance
Research Division of Mathematics, Natural Faculty Bandung Institute of
Technology, Indonesia.
Efi Fitriana
Faculty of Psychology,
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia.
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