Recent Study on Reflection as a Source of Teacher Development: Pre-service and Experienced Teachers | Chapter 3 | Current Research in Education and Social Studies Vol. 4
This study traces evidence of reflection in teacher education and
teaching practice by measuring reflection of pre-service teachers and
experienced teachers and clarifying reflection-oriented reactions to possible
confusions or problematic situations considering whether or not they are
reflective practitioners. The data were collected from 514 volunteer
pre-service teachers and 466 experienced teachers teaching science, math,
English, Turkish and primary classes. Teacher Reflection Scale (TRS) [1] was
used to collect data. In order to analyze the data and obtain descriptive
statistics for the item results, SPSS 16.0 was employed. Statistical analyses
gave evidence that pre-service primary teachers had a high mean of reflection.
Under the light of the results gathered from data, experienced teachers did not
attain higher reflection scores when compared to pre-service teachers. There is
evidence that math teachers’ experiences in school settings might lead them to
reflect on their practices in time. Experienced teachers of English, science,
Turkish and primary education did not attain higher TRS scores when compared to
pre-service teachers of the same subject areas. There was no statistically
significant and meaningful difference between the rank averages of the
mentioned groups’ reflection scores. Besides, pre-service and experienced
primary teachers’ reflection scores seem higher than the ones obtained from
other subject areas; also there is no significant difference between these two
groups. Pre-service and experienced math teachers’ results demonstrate that the
scores of experienced math teachers revealed a statistically significant
difference at a meaningful level (p=.000).
Author(s) Details
Saziye Yaman
American University of the Middle
East (AUM), Kuwait.
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