Detailed Study on Pattern of Cancer Pain in Patients Admitted at a Tertiary Care Centre in Northern India- A Prospective Observational Study | Chapter 1 | Innovations in Medicine and Medical Research Vol.2
Pain being the commonest symptom in cancer, its prevalence and pattern needs to
be studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and pattern of
cancer pain in admitted patients. Study Design: Prospective observational
study. Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Cancer
Research Institute, Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dehradun, India, between
January 2018 and April 2018. Methodology: After institutional ethical clearance
and written informed consent 393 patients were enrolled in the study. We
prospectively evaluated patients admitted with diagnosis of cancer for
presence, severity and pattern of pain, using clinical assessment and numerical
pain scale at admission and at discharge. Chi-square test was used for categorical
data and multivariate analysis was performed with multinominal regression and
ANNOVA tests. Results: In 393 patients prevalence of pain, moderate-severe
pain, neuropathic pain (NPP), mixed pain was 67%, 47.8%, 10.2% and 31.9%
respectively. More than one pain site was present in 43% of patients. The
median numerical pain score was 2 overall, 4 in patients with pain and 7 in
patients with NPP or mixed pain. Prevalence of severe pain and NPP or mixed
pain was highest in hepatobilliary, lung, head and neck and genitourinary
cancers. As many as 42.97% (113/263) patients had more than one pain site. On
multivariate analysis severity of pain was significantly associated with
primary tumor site (P=0.002), NPP (P=0.000), number of metastatic sites (P=0.02)
and number of pain sites (P=0.009); NPP with primary tumor site (P=0.000),
number of pain sites (P=0.000) and severity of pain (P=0.014). The proportion
of patients with moderate-severe pain reduced from 47.8% before admission to
10.7% at discharge with adequate analgesic management. Conclusion: The
prevalence of cancer pain and moderate-severe pain is high in admitted
patients. Various patient, disease and pain variables need to be considered for
an adequate cancer pain assessment and management. Team approach with active
participation of primary medical team, adjunct support from palliative care
specialist is desirable for cancer pain management.
Author (s) Details
Anshika Arora,
Department of Surgery, Cancer Research Institute, Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, SRHU, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
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Author (s) Details
Anshika Arora,
Department of Surgery, Cancer Research Institute, Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, SRHU, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
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