Financial Analysis as a Consideration for Stock Exchange Investment Decisions in Tanzania: Recent Trends | Chapter 10 | Emerging Issues and Development in Economics and Trade Vol. 4
exchange investment in Tanzania is growing fast, and many people of different
varieties of income are participating in the purchase of shares commonly known
as stock exchange. However, there is seemingly little concern on the use of
financial analysis on the part of local individual investors when purchasing
the shares. Hence, this chapter presents the findings of the study on financial
analysis as a consideration for stock exchange investment decision making in
Tanzania. The study was originally conducted for four months from July to
October 2006. Perhaps it is true that knowledge is vital in all essence, hence
we have amalgamated some resent knowledges to make our book more current and
understandable. As it is indicated that this chapter is a study which
incorporates six brokers, indeed yes but the current situation has seen an
increase of brokers to 13. In that regard, we have talked to them in order to
amplify this study, and all have cemented the earlier study, and had few new
comments. It adopted a survey study incorporating all thirteen registered
brokers in Tanzania located in Dar es Salaam. First, the introduction was
given, which provided the essentials and the need for financial statements
analysis as far as decisions regarding investment is concerned, after which the
literature review was done. This was followed by a presentation of the role of
Dares salaam stock exchange. Subsequently, the methodology of the study was
given, followed by data analysis and discussion of findings. Finally, conclusions
and recommendations were given. The chapter concludes that most of investors in
Tanzania do not depend on the financial statements analysis of the firms when
investing mainly because most of these investors have not acquired knowledge on
the importance of financial statements in making decisions regarding the
investment. However, big investors such as financial institutions and firms do
consider financial statement analysis when investing. This calls for the people
and education institution to verge the training of the students on how it is
worthy understanding the use of financial information. This should e done
through education provided by the people who work with Dar es salaam Stock
Exchange and the affiliated institutions. Colleges must understand that
purchasing of stocks and affiliated ventures are worthy and should not be
considered as a mere business, it is a real business.
Author (s) Details
Norman A. S King
Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Iringa, Tanzania.
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Author (s) Details
Norman A. S King
Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Iringa, Tanzania.
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