Social Housing: Emphasizing on Corporate Management Approaches in the UK | Chapter 12 | Insights into Economics and Management Vol. 6
Since 1980, the social housing market in the United Kingdom has undergone substantial transformation. The incorporation of market forces into the arena of public service provision under the economic and political philosophy of Neoliberalism has resulted in the evolution of a dynamic operating climate for Social Housing Providers (SHPs). These organisations must operate as corporations and face the difficulties of operating as self-contained, state-regulated entities. They will borrow money on the private sector to fund their operations and diversify their operations in order to pursue new revenue sources. It is expected that they will run their companies efficiently and effectively, providing healthy homes for their customers. SHPs are supposed to serve a social function in addition to working along business lines by providing accommodation for those in society who cannot afford housing through the market system. SHPs have had to act as enterprises and contend with the pressures of being self-governing and governed while still providing accommodation for those in society who need it. The growth of corporatism in the social housing sector is discussed in this report. It discusses the different management styles utilised by SHPs in order to build organisations that offer effective services as well as profitable companies that can thrive in today's market. Approaches to value management are analysed in terms of consumer benefits and as guiding principles for workers of these organisations. The article then considers whether these methods have helped consumers and the difficulties that SHPs face in meeting their roles as socially responsible businesses.
Author (s) DetailsDr. Simon P. Taylor
University of Cumbria, England.
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